Thursday, December 11, 2008

Recovery and Relief

Woo-Hoo! The invitations are out! I must thank Ashlie M for all of her help with these! They were all mailed out on Saturday morning and I am thrilled. It felt like the last "big" thing we were on a deadline for and now that we can cross that off...I feel that we can relax a bit for a few weeks. Ross and I had fun putting the wax seals on the envelopes, although it was a bit tricky. Sorry if you got one that was a little strange looking, it took a few to get the hang of! :)

I realize its been a few weeks, so I can also update you on my foot--thank God, no cast. I stopped using crutches after about a week. When I went back in for my follow up doctor appointments the verdict was that since it's a hairline fracture it should heal okay on its own and if not improving over a few weeks to call podiatry. Yah00, I am getting around better and better, no boot for me! And, I made it back to the gym a few times this week. I can't run, but I am pretty efficient on the eliptical trainer if I lean on the heel more than the ball of my foot.

***One word of caution to all who plan to attend our wedding-BRING the ORANGE card from the invite with you. It is your pass on base and allows you to park your vehicle on base. I can not get any more, so please hang on to the one sent to you. If you lose it, let me or Ross know, we have a couple of extras.***

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