Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Progress is Wonderful

It's been a while since my last blog, but A LOT has happened!! :)

I believe we have found a minister to marry us! A florist to make the event pretty and we are cake tasting on 10.25.08 (had to reschedule the last appointment). It's strange how a couple of things falling in to place make all the difference. I also have a great friend who is offering to help make the table cards and another that is helping with invitations. *sigh* HUGE relief!

While looking for an officiant, we met with a minister that I know (she's great!). We had the opportunity to take this, marriage test of sorts through an appointment with her. It was neat--Ross and I sat away from one another and answered several multiple choice questions about all different facets of marriage to help determine where we are strong and where we may need to communicate more. It was great because it asked a lot of questions about important parts of marriage-religion, kids, locations, feelings...everything. We are trying to align an appointment with the minister to go over the results. I am excited to hear what she says!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Weddings Are in the Air

I love weddings! As much as it's stressing me out to plan...I absolutely adore weddings. Now, I've heard that the mid and late 20s are the busy "wedding years" where almost everyone you know is getting married, followed a few years later, by baby showers.

So far, the wedding season prediction is coming true! Does anyone else feel it too? We are attending weddings: October, November, February (ours), May, June! And we have friends that just got engaged.

A few updates~ I've done it. We are now scheduled to go in for a cake tasting next week. Also, I typed up the wording for our invitations and selected the font. I am going to see if next weekend my flower girl is around, and go looking for a dress for her as well. Things are getting done!!! (yea!!)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

When it rains, it pours! For the past 2 weeks we've been trying to finish the kitchen in our new house, find an officiant, find a florist, and decide on centerpieces. The good news, is that all of this stuff, is happy, it's just a lot at once! :)

As for our kitchen-it's almost done. The counter should be here sometime next week, which means the new sink and faucet will be installed. A friend was out last night to look at the texturing we need done, and it looks like that will be done in a couple of weeks and we decided on the new lighting. For those of you who don't know...this completely relates to our wedding. Once the kitchen is done, we can resume eating real food. For the past 6 weeks, its been sandwiches, take out and microwave/toaster oven food. I will be so glad to cook somthing! (And something healthy, or I won't fit in my wedding dress!!).

As for the florist-Thanks Michele L! I have an appointment with the company you used for your wedding this weekend, and I am hoping it works out! I was considering having friends help me make half of the centerpieces and using hurricanes...but I think I want flowers everywhere, I really can't shake that feeling. My fingers are crossed for Sunday.

It is now almost time to send out invitations~they will probably go out toward the end of October, because we have to turn in a final list to the military base with everyone's name on it in alphabetical order. This is where a fear comes in-PLEASE make sure you RSVP. I am the worst offender-I always forget to mail the RSVPs out..but in this case if you are planning to attend, and forget, you may not be allowed on base! We have to give a final list 30 days before the wedding I believe.

I feel pretty good about things this week. Rehearsal is all set-the invitations are purchased and just need to be printed and put together. Registries are done.

One thing we've totally lagged on is cake tasting. We have it narrowed down to 2 places. One, makes BEAUTIFUL cakes that are very tasty. The other isn't as pretty, but is DELICIOUS. Hmm..I'm torn. Do you choose the beautiful/good or the delicious/plain looking? Any thoughts?