Wednesday, November 19, 2008

90 days-Oh my!

The countdown continues...we are right around the 90 day mark and our wedding is fast approaching! It's been a month since my last post, but this month has been CRAZY busy! And for my friends who've called and not heard back...sorry, I promise December won't be as busy and I will stop being a dead beat friend.

I am proud and excited to say that Ross and I have made huge strides in wedding plans since my last post. We are getting our wedding cake from Crumbs of Paris (delicious. If you haven't had it, I recommend their pineapple marscapone cake). Today we went to the venue and confirmed the menu with the caterer, we booked the linens company through a friend (thanks Gloria!). The invitations are designed and being printed (thanks to Ileana and Ashlie's help with those!). It took forever to get the wording done--every book and website has a different idea for what to put and where to put it...finally everything lined up and is spaced accordingly. Hopefully those will be sent out in a couple of weeks. The good news is that my mom said she would address the envelopes for me--it's good news because that means the post office will be able to read it! It wouldn't be pretty if I was the one doing it, that's for sure. But I read in an etiquette book that you should never use labels on the actual invitation, it should be personalized and hand written. Is this true? Do people care or even notice if its written or on a label? I thought about it, and I couldn't tell you what the address was like on any piece of mail I receive. Hmmm... still need to think this over.

Our registries are done and the cards are arriving, we received the map/directions card to enclose in the invitations so people won't have any problems finding this place. I've talked with another friend (also named Ashley) about table cards, I've figured out the name cards for the assigned seating. I love crossing things off of the "To Do" list.

I am also happy to report that our kitchen and family room are almost complete! We finished painting the 2nd coat last night and are going to work on base boards and finishing the grout in the tile tonight...then it's 1 more coat of paint on the cabinets to go! Woo-hoo!

We couldn't have made all of this progress without a lot of help from so many of our friends and family--we appreciate everything!

More to come soon...

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